For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20)
Monday - Sunday:
Matins or Morning Prayer - 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Sunday Services:
Mahlet (Hymnal prayer): 5:00 AM (Starts at 4:00 AM on major holidays)
Baptismal Service: 7:00 AM
Prayer of the Covenant: 7:45 AM
Divine Liturgy (Qidasse): 8:30 AM (Starts at 8:00 AM on major holidays)
Choir singing and sermon: 11:00 AM to 12: 30 PM
On major holidays Hymnal song (Mahelet) and the procession of the Tabot (The Ark of the Covenant) at 1:00 PM
Sunday School program
For kids age 7 - 11 years: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
For youth ages 12 and older: 12:00 to 1: 00 PM
Nursery program for the children of ages 3 to 7 Years 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Major Holidays (21st day of each Ethiopian Calendar month and Annual Feasts of Saints)*:
Baptismal Service: 7:00 AM (10:00 AM if the day falls on either Wednesday, Friday or during a fasting period)**
Prayer of the Covenant: 7:45 AM (10:45 AM if the day falls on either Wednesday, Friday or during a fasting period)**
Divine Liturgy: 8:30 AM (11:30 AM if the day falls on either Wednesday, Friday or during a fasting period)**
Choir singing and sermon: 10:30 AM (2:30 PM if the day falls on either Wednesday, Friday or during a fasting period)**
* Please call the Church ahead (preferably a day or two before the Holiday) to confirm.
** In the period between Easter to Pentecost the above services begin at their regular start times
First Saturday of Each Month*:
Baptismal Service: 7:00 AM
Prayer of the Covenant: 7:45 AM
Divine Liturgy in English: 8:30 AM
Choir singing and sermon: 10:30 AM to 11: 30 PM
* Please call the Church ahead (preferably either on Thursday or Friday before the Saturday) to confirm
Wednesday and Friday:
Prayer Service and Bible Study: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Prayer Service and Bible Study: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM